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My Meat – Angel Ferrari & Kurt Jacobs

May 3, 2019 In bareback, bears, fullhd, hairy, mature men – Edit Bareback My Meat – Angel Ferrari & Kurt Jacobs When you have a big dick, you know it. There’s a certain attitude in your walk. You carry yourself differently. Straight or gay doesn’t matter because, whether we admit it or not, the world revolves around big cock. And the old adage still holds true: the bigger, the better. Take Angel Ferrari for example. He may not have a monster dick, but he’s quite proud of what he’s got swinging between his legs. Here, with hairy leather daddy, Kurt Jacobs, Angel knows his meat is the prize and his load the penultimate goal of any cock whore worth his weight in… well, semen! Kurt and Angel get good and sloppy as they make out then take turns sucking each other. And as noisy as they are in the beginning, they’re noisier still when Angel slides that big raw cock inside tattooed daddy Kurt. Angel fucks Kurt bareback, then daddy takes Angel’s cock for a ride. The beefy, bearded Latino whips out a tangy load, his big balls flopping, then takes Kurt’s jizz on the chin. Which only proves that just because you have a big cock, doesn’t mean you have to be a big dick.


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