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Needing It – Atlas Grant & Alex Hawk

There’s a difference between wanting something and needing it, especially when it comes to cock. And if any of you know, or have been following Alex Hawk, then you know there’s one thing he craves and needs more than anything in the world. Cock. Okay, maybe there are two things because this little piggy needs cum, too! With Atlas Grant, the scruffy power bottom gets both. After a solid make-out session, super hairy muscle bear Atlas pumps Alex’s throat full of cock while doing a bit of sucking himself with some sweaty 69 oral action. Atlas then slobbers all over Alex’s hungry ass, finger fucking and stretching his hole open with a couple of fingers. Atlas then mounts Alex. He slides home, bareback fucking the man whore with that juicy, uncut slab until he’s ready to blow. After being splattered with Atlas’s cum, Alex fires off a load of his own, spilling his seed all over the floor. Too bad he didn’t lick it up!


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