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Parker Logan & Harper Davis – Sit On It

Decked out in a red leather harness, jockstrap and socks, Parker Logan teases his pierced nipples and whips out his big cock, already hard, in anticipation of what’s to come. Harper Davis, clad in a black harness and jockstrap, sits on a chair with his ass pushed back for easy access. Bearded and tattooed Parker wastes little time in finger fucking the hairy-assed bottom. After teasing the hungry manhole, Parker commands Harper, telling him to: Sit on it! And Harper does, taking Parker’s raw throbbing shaft and riding it like a pogo stick. Slowly but surely, as he gets stretched out, Harper takes more and more, growling and grunting as he fucks himself bareback. But Parker’s not the type to let his bottoms do all the work. Eventually, he bends Harper over, taking control of the speed. Lovers of ass-to-mouth will drool when Harper tastes his own ass juices on Parker’s cock, licking, sucking and lubing it up with the best lubricant of all: spit! But this isn’t over yet. Parker gets Harper on the table, face up, and slides that baby home, slipping it in and out as he fucks, sending Harper into orbit before blasting him with a good load, then seeding him.


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