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Someones Papi – Saul Leinad & Joel Someone

Joel Someone has a Papi, and his name is Saul Leinad. The interracial couple is at it even before we got the cameras rolling, with the two of them making out like fiends. It doesn’t take much to get Joel on his knees. In fact, Saul doesn’t even have to nudge. The scruffy white boy knows where he belongs, before Papi, doing whatever Papi wants. Because what Papi wants, Papi gets. Like Joel’s sweet white ass. Bearded Saul buries his face in Joel’s ass and devours the puckered pink morsel, savoring the tender flesh. After spit-lubing Joel, Saul pulls out that mouth watering monster cock and Joel turns into a cock sucking whore. But Saul isn’t a selfish Papi and returns the favor, sucking Joel’s cock and servicing his balls. Hungry Joel then goes back to servicing his Papi, at least for a little while. He takes Saul down his throat, all the way to the base, then gets his face fucked before getting his hole stretched out. Saul penetrates Joel with one fell swoop and starts to fuck. He’s not rough, but he’s not making love, either. Joel cries out, but then again, anyone who takes that monster cock up their ass would do just that. Saul pulls long enough for us to see the initial spurt of cum, then slides back inside Joel to seed his cum hungry hole. Joel follows suit with an enormous load, fucked out of him by his Papi, who continues to fuck him until the very end.


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