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Johnny Ford & Max Mabry – Turning Into a Man

What’s up, SayUncle fans? Did you enjoy Max Marby’s fantastic collaboration with the handsome Johnny Ford for this month’s all-stars scene? Well, then you’re in luck, ‘cause we’ve got one more hot video from this kinky story. Max’s weekend away with his stepdad is going smoothly, with the two men sharing naughty bonding moments. Everything is fun and sexy at Johnny’s childhood home and Max is loving every second of it. And to make things even better, it’s Max’s birthday and his stepdad has one more surprise in store for him. His beloved boy is turning into a man this weekend and he wants to celebrate big time. Max is very grateful for Johnny’s guidance and support and he also wants to show him how much he appreciates him. He’s no longer a child anymore and he knows about his stepdad’s secret fantasies so, after having peeked at his secret porn stash, he’s ready to give his stepdaddy one more tasty treat.
