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Are You Bad? Ass Therapy – Jean Carlos & Jonatas

Jean Carlos is feeling bad and full of problems in his head, in debt he doesn’t know what else to do. His life is sinking more and more. He decides to seek help from a professional and goes to a therapist to consult. He consults in the office of dr. Jonathan, who helps him in the best possible way to try to ease the pain of the breakup that afflicts you so much. Jean Carlos feels better and thanks for the consultation, but he is unable to pay cash for the consultation and offers another form of payment to dr. Jonathan, offering his cock, Dr. Jônatas does not usually accept or negotiate his consultations in this way, but ends up making an exception for Jean Carlos who puts him on his knees to suck on his hot cock. Dr. Jônatas doesn’t stand up to the lust of the male in front of him and falls into his mouth on Jean Carlos’ thick and big cock, who loves to feel the therapist’s hot mouth involving his cock completely. Jean Carlos puts Jônatas on all fours to lick his ass leaving the therapist moaning with lust. Jônatas is on all fours for Jean Carlos who penetrates his thick cock inside his hot and juicy ass. Jean asks if the therapist is enjoying the payment and receives the groans as a confirmation. Jean puts Jonathan in the roast chicken to penetrate the male with more lust. The therapy is going to be long, this time Jean Carlos carries Jônatas and places him on the couch of the office where he penetrates him very horny with roasted chicken and on all fours leaving the nasty moaning with pleasure. “Are you bad? Ass Therapy” is the type of movie that will make you fantasize about pleasure with an intense and hot fuck between these two males.


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