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Hung Horny Guys Party Part 1

The cast of the producer Irmãos Dotados were part of the LGBT+ Pride Parade in São Paulo on June 6th, 2023 and marked Av. Paulista from the capital with its representativeness and talent. The actors took pictures, served the audience and were super accessible to everyone who was present at the place where they were. After the Parade ended up, everyone went to the studio to relax a bit and talk. Arriving there, the climate heated up and the sexual desire between each of the actors start. The little private party ended up becoming a big delicious fuck with hot males that made the fucking happen there. With a lot of moaning, hardfuck and several positions, this party was the talk of the day. So check out the first part of what happened after the LGBT+ Pride Parade in São Paulo and don’t miss it, it’s really worth checking out!


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